Expert Seminar: Environmental Disease. Natural or synthetic Chelation, how and why

Expert Seminar: Environmental Disease. Natural or synthetic Chelation, how and why

The DGUHT offers an Online Discussion, free of charge, for about 45min about Chelation Therapy (in English). Time: June 11, 8PM (20:00 Berlin Time)

An Online Workshop on Chelation Therapy (about 90min) follows.
Time: June 25, 2021 at 8PM (20:00 Berlin Time).
The workshop is free for DGUHT members. For non-members: €49.
Special offer: This fee provides you with a DGUHT membership for the remaining year 2021. You will be part of our Clinical Toxicology Working Group, which provides monthly updates and information on chelation therapy.

Prof. Efrain Olszewer MD of Sao Paulo, Brazil who is an internationally renowned pioneer, lecturer and researcher of chelation and orthomolecular therapy.
Eleonore Blaurock-Busch PhD – Member of DGUHT’s scientific advisory board, internationally recognized author and lecturer on metal toxicology and diagnostics.

Registration (needed two days prior to event at the latest):
per Mail to

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